What if our current crisis was mainly a crisis of knowledge? What if we realized that the hyper- specialization of our concerns and areas of knowledge were leading us to a myopic, or worse, cynical blindness? How to reestablish a cosmogonic vision of the world, when human evolution is impulsed by scientific, technical and economic development, while there is an evident ethical, psychological and affective degradation?
Lapae presents art as shamanic practice and trance as a source of knowledge, embracing heterogenous epistemologies without falling into superstition, deconstructing social expectations and accepted dogmas which seem to be taking humanity to a disillusioned path.
She creates sculptures from trash and discarded materials which are often malleable and even wearable, and address a series of environmental and behavioral issues. These sculptures unfold into installations, photo-performances and portraits.
Control is an illusion, and through the work, and Lapage exercises the acceptance of what recycled and everyday materials reveal, from accidents to new processes. The vital materiality of quotidian objects is her starting point and leads her to a reevaluation of the dichotomy between life/inanimate, human/nature. She believes that a shift in hierarchy can result in a greener approach to self, culture and nature.
Lapage lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. She got her MFA from the Maine College of Art in 2013. She has participated in collective and solo
exhibitions in Brazil, Europe and the United States, recently at A60 Contemporary Artspace (Milan), Kunsthalle am Hamburguer Platz (Berlin), Surface Gallery (UK), Tianjin International Digital Imaging Exhibition (China), SP-Arte (Brazil), CICA Museum (Korea), Art/World Brazil and Art to Wear, BG Gallery (Los Angeles/Artsy), and Antipode Gallery (France) curated by All She Makes, the Royal Society of American Art and Sculptors Alliance (New York).
She has resided at various institutions such as the Fondation Château Mercier (Switzerland) and NARS Foundation (NYC), Camac Art Center (France) and Paul Artspace (USA), Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art and Monson Arts, and attended ART OMI and Odyssée (at Château de Goutelas, France) in 2021/2022.
Her work was featured in Bluebee Magazine, V. 6, Artmarket Magazine 50, Friend of the Artist V. 12, Art Hole Magazine, July 2020, Create Magazine, Issue XIX, Studio Visit Magazine V. 47. Lapage was a visiting artist at the Tyler School of Art (Philadelphia) and Maine College of Art (Portland), United States.